Our mission

Idée fixe…

Idée fixe in French literally means ‘persistent thought‘, dictionary defines this phrase as an idea constantly occupying the mind; unhealthy possession of psychic by a returning thought, a maniacal, oppressive idea.

We also have our persistent, constantly returning thoughts, which put together give direction of further development of Fundacja 4 Alternatywy and sets our goals.



We don’t eat meat – our contestants are always offered a choice of non meat, vegetarian meal.
We reduce the amount of waste – individual cup, rubbish bag is the necessary equipment of each and every runner.
We don’t use start guns  – while organising and setting up a running route we always take into consideration all rules and restrictions protection to the environment.
We actively support homeless animals.


We take up inclusive actions which aim to socially rehabilitate people who find it more difficult to socialise and participate in community life, namely co called excluded people, people suffering from addictions, elderly people or those with disabilities.
We do our best to ensure that people, companies and organisations we work with are uplifting, non confrontational and who do not act unethically. We value a friendly atmosphere and environment free of distance between people


We believe in positive transaction philosophy – satisfaction of our partners, volunteers and contestants is a paramount, we encourage any form of feedback to enable us to constantly improve and ensure no identified issues accrue in the future.
We are very open to any creative actions, proposals, ideas. We are not afraid to initiate and support ideas which are in lines with our values.

If you like the way we operate and you would like to support Fundacja 4 Alternatywy in any way that is suits you best – please get in touch!